Thanks to EinsteinPy and the European Space Agency

I am so glad on being selected as a “Summer Developer” in ESA’s Summer of Code in Space with EinsteinPy.

First of all, I want to express my sincere gratitude to EinsteinPy and to the European Space Agency for the opportunity they gave to me. I am sure it is going helpful to develop my skills in computer science. So I hope my collaboration will be useful to EinsteinPy as well.

Why EinsteinPy?

I truly believe that EinsteinPy project is going to be a powerful tool for researchers working in gravitational physics field. The existence of simulating platforms in languages like C or C++ was a great step. However, these languages are not as easy to handle for someone without a high programming skills. And even though it is usual that theoretical physicists have some experience in computational areas, they shouldn’t spend their energy and time in such coding process. Hence, they can focus all their efforts on their theoretical physics development.

That is why python, due to its low learning curve and clean syntax, is becoming by excellence the programming language among the scientific community. Therefore, that is General Theory of Relativity equations should be included as a python package.

And last but not least…

…If you think, as I do, that science should be an open source project where everyone can contribute, don’t be shy and join us!

Thanks for reading!